sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015

Diary Entry

I wrote a diary entry of a grandmother that love knitting but her family tokd her that she have to stop.

September 19 2015

Dear diary

Today my family visited me. First I showed them the new clothes I have knitted for them. They told me that they were very thanksful but sometimes I think that they don´t apprecate the things I do for them. After that, we ate a very good lunch that my son and my doughter in law prepsred. In the afternoon they prepared an act for me, it was very nice. But when they finished I started to knit again. They told me not to knit because of my powerless hands. But I continued because I hadn´t done anything today. When I finished knitting it was four o´clock. It was time for the tea, my two grandsons prepared a wonderfull cake. Nothing was left, we ate all. After eating, I showed them what I had knitted. It was a sweater for my son, all of them laughed and bothered him.. At nine o´clock they left. I was so tired. At ten o´clock I had dinner. I felt so lonely when they left. When I was eatting I realised that they were right. I am not the same girl that I was twenty years ago. I don´t have the same hands of that fisher girl.

martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

The volcano in chile

Volcano Erupts in Chile

April 23, 2015
     This article has been published on BBC                   
  The Calbuco volcano in southern Chile has erupted after having lain dormant for decades.
According to the text, the authorities have already put more than 4,000 people out of danger.
Alejandro Verges, an emergency director, mentioned that Calbuco had not been under any special form of observation.
  Two smaller communities were evacuated. Some school were closed. Nearby city of Puerto Montt has already be blanked in a cloud of ash. Tv footage showed traffic jams. Porto Varas was under alert also.The ash have expanded many miles and and residents are very frightened.
  The Interior Minister Rodrigo Penailillo said to the multitude to be calmed and informed. In the city of Bariloche, Argentina people are expecting to met ash clouds, and people were advices  to stay in their homes.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

Excursión reserva santa catalina un lugar espectacular

Visitamos  la reserva Santa Catalina en Lomas de Zamora..

Los chicos de segundo año del colegio Newlands fuimos a una excursión a la reserva natural Santa Catalina acompañados por las docentes Florencia Barletta, Victoria Vazquez y Laura Smietniansky.

    Lugar donde los animales viven libremente.

    Nosotros unos chichos de 2 del colegio Newlands fuimos a la reserva natural Santa Catalina el dia 6/5 en una visita guiada por Pablo Centurión. Nuestras profesoras Victoria Vazquez, Florencia Barletta y Laura Smietniansky y nosotros aprendimos un montón de cosas: como de que arboles se alimentaban los insectos, algunos arboles nativos como el ombú, cuales no eran nativos como el Eucaliptus, cual fue el primer árbol que se uso para hacer papel en China "La mora de papel",para que se usaban algunos arboles como el fumo bravo que se utilizaba para fumar pero te dejaba dolor de cabeza y tambien que los arboles que eran comidos por los insectos crecian muy poco acomparación de los que no eran comidos y los que quedaban chicos no recibian el sol necesario y que la raiz del otro árbol le sacaria el espacio a la otra.

    "Fumo bravo"

     Luego de el fantastico recorrido por la reserva con la brillante explicación de Pablo nos llevaron a iun lugar donde compartimos comida y bebida. Cuando terminamos de combidar hicimos otro recorrido donde el cual se basaba mas en animales que en plantas. Apenas empezamos el recorrido noa encontramos con una mariposas  Junonia genoveva hilaris o mariposa cuatro ojos.

 Seguimos caminando y nos encontramos con una especie de cueva, Pablo nos explico que ahi vivia un lagarto. Al finalizar el recurrido Pablo nos mostro un lagarto que dos chicos habian matado. El cual estaba en un bidon formol y alcohol para conservarlo. Al lagarto le decian overo debido a su color blanco y negro.

Em mi opinion la excursión fue muy emocionante y aprendimos un monton de cosas.