martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Natural definitions

EM definitions

  1. Environment:

  1. The social and cultural forces that shape the life of a person or a population.
  2. The sum total of all surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other living things, which provide conditions for development and growth as well as of danger and damage.
  3. The air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live: Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect on the environment. We're not doing enough to protect the environment from pollution.

a.The solid portion of the earth (distinguished from atmosphere,hydrosphere ).

b. The outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle, about 100 kilometers (62 miles) thick.

c.A lithosphere  is the rigid outermost shell of a rocky planet, and can be identified on the basis of its mechanical properties.

3) Biome:
  1. major regional or global biotic community, such as a grassland or desert, characterized chiefly by the dominant forms of plant life and the prevailing climate.
  2. a complex biotic community characterized by distinctive plant and animal species and maintained under the climatic conditions of the region,

4) Population:
A.the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, or any district or area.

B.All of the people inhabiting a specified area.

C.A population is a summation of all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding.

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