jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

¿Un veneno saludable?

En la clase de lengua nuestra profesora nos pidió que hagamos un texto argumentativo sobre una tesis planteada en clase de UN VENENO SALUDABLE.

      "Un veneno saludable" es una historia escrita por Marcelo Bermajen en 1994. En esta historia el personaje principal sufre un cambio en su forma de ver la vida y su idea sobre la muerte. Esta historia se parece a un cuento de Relatos de Iniciación en el cual el protagonista cambia su forma de pensar con respecto a sus límites. 

       Un veneno saludable es una novela centrada en el proceso de pasaje de la adolescencia a la adultez del protagonista.

      Esto quiere decir que el personaje sufre un cambio en su manera de pensar sobre la muerte, el creia que si cambiaba algo en su vida el se iba a morir, por esto decide no ir a la colimba y convertirse en desertor. el que lo ayuda a realizar esto es el señor Maroll, su jefe. El protagonista dice tomarse un veneno de la mortalidad y dice que al tomarse ese veneno empezara a vivir para llegar a la inmortalidad.
"- Ah si usted me ayudo a tomarlo. Es un veneno mortal, de acción retardada, de sabor agridulce. Y me voy a morir ¿Que le voy a hacer? Espero que me haga efecto muy muy tarde dentro de ochenta o noventa años. ¿Sabe? Aceptar la muerte es el veneno necesario para empezar a vivir....
¿Deja de creer en la muerte? Yo no lo creo si no que para mi el empieza a ver que después de la muerte llega la inmortalidad.

    El personaje deja de ver la muerte como algo malo y comienza a verlo como algo bueno. El personaje va sufriendo otros cambios durante la historia pero en mi gusto este es el más importante ya que es un tema que a muchos nos preocupa y este libro ayuda a verlo de una buena manera.

Disección exitosa

En la clase de biologiá hicimos una disección de un ensefalo de vaca el cual es igual al nuestro. Nuestra profesora nos dio el desafio de elegir algunas fotos tomadas y hacer un THINKLINK con cada una de ellas.

domingo, 12 de junio de 2016

We are what we wear

In our language and use of english class we have seen a movie called "The Devil wears proda" with this story we made a literary essey. In this essey we have to include six conectors, one rethorical question and two metaphors or similies.

In my opion it is important who we dress as it can makes you an important person or not. However, does fashion is important? A lot of people spend a lot of money in new fashion things like a new jacket for example. From my point of view this is not important.
Other thing is that if we buy all the new things that deseiners make we are using a lot of money that can be use for other thing. Althought fashion have good parts like for example women can be as pretty as they want to be. Furthermore fashion is diferent depending the age, if you are men or women, etc. Because of this people play a lot of atention to what they put on.
To conclude my opinion is that for society we are what we wear. If they don´t like it you are exclude of it and if they like it you are include.

 Before starting we did this spider map about the three main characters of the story.

Wild life story

In the class of Language our teacher ask us to read an articke of wild life and then create a story starting or ending with this phrase: " What an amaizing day!" Max whispered to himself as he got into bed last night."
Also the story have to contain five collocations, three phrasal verbs, five word formation, three bad weather conditions, four others words or phtases and five conectors.

"What an amaizing day!" Max whispered to himself as he got into bed last night."
That day he had a very exciting day in the forest with a wild animal, a tiger. He was alone in the forest running out of water because of the drought that the forest was suffering, he was thinking of giving up and turn down into the floor when he saw somehing magnificent. There were a lot of men doing iligal logging damaging the habitat of a poor tiger. He started thinking how a person could be so cruel with wildlife, that was something very irresponsable and illogical. Also he saw that they even didn´t try to preserve the trees putting others when they cut rhem. Even do they are not thinking of the consequences like soil erotion. Fortunately a heavy storm came and they have to pospone their impolite work. Instantly when the inexperience men went away he saw the tiger hunting a snake and trying to get at a place to sleep. In the morning when he stood up he saw the disastrous thing that the storm had make. It was like if a huricane have pass. But also he see a good part of that, that the tiger had eaten a delicious fox